

在线赌博 offers a Master's of Science in Education in 学校心理咨询 through the Center for Integrated Teacher Education (CITE). Our 学校心理咨询- program is a satellite of the main campus Counseling program in 阿尔佛雷德, NY. 课程在布鲁克林,韦斯特切斯特和长岛的Oceanside提供.


  • 咨询专业(3)


  • con 636咨询原则(3)
  • 多元文化咨询(3)
  • 人类发展:寿命(3)


  • 当代问题-学校(3)
  • con 639小组辅导(3)
  • 例外情况(3)


  • 职业发展(3)
  • conn 652家庭治疗技术(3)
  • con 626心理咨询中的评估(3)


  • 高级心理咨询理论(3)
  • 辅导实习I (3)
  • 心理咨询与预防(3)


  • con 658实习课程II (3)
  • 统计与研究设计(3)
  • 辅导主题(3)


The MSEd program in 学校心理咨询 is structured to allow separate groups of no more than 25 students to enter the program each fall. 在整个项目中,小组保持在一起, 连续两年全年上课, 包括夏季.

第一年的课程是该计划所有其他课程的先决条件. Each student is required to enroll in one summer course on the 在线赌博 campus in western New York State during each of the two years of the program. 学生将被通知有关这些暑期课程的时间表.

所有被录取的学生都是在线赌博的普通学生. 像这样, they have access to the University's 在线 resources and to their academic records through Banner. Details regarding these privileges is outlined in the program handbook that students receive at orientation.

Those interested in applying to our AU-NYC programs go through the same admissions screening as do applicants to on-campus programs. 所有的录取决定都由在线赌博的全职教师做出. Applicants should review the admissions requirements for off-campus programs as well as the 研究生 School application process.

  • 标准化考试(如适用)
  • 官方成绩单
  • 推荐信
  • 意向书
  • 面试


申请表格可向香港科技大学索取, 直接从在线赌博研究生招生办公室申请, or 在线. Applicants whose written materials meet the basic requirements for admission will be interviewed periodically during the school year in Brooklyn and Oceanside. CITE将联系申请人安排面试时间. All students who are admitted to the program begin classes only in the fall of each year. 所有申请材料应发送到研究生招生办公室, 在线赌博, 撒克逊人开车, 阿尔佛雷德, ny14802,外加60美元申请费.


Financial aid is available to Downstate students by applying directly to the 在线赌博 学生资助办公室. Downstate students who are registered for a minimum of 6 credits per semester are eligible for financial aid in the form of loans. The 在线赌博 学生资助办公室 qualifies eligible individuals for financial aid when they apply. 然而, 由于联邦法规, loan checks cannot be released to students until they begin attending their second class each semester.


Downstate students are required to complete two practicum 经验s during their second year in the program. 在秋季的第一次实习期间, students must be engaged in school counseling related activities for seven hours per week. The second practicum in the spring requires that students be involved in 14 hours per week or school counseling activities. 这两种体验都必须由永久认证的学校辅导员监督.

Students in the Downstate program are responsible for identifying potential school sites (and the field supervisors) at which they may complete their practicum 经验s. 一旦确定了站点, the university's practicum coordinator makes direct contact with the supervisors to inform them about the practicum structure and requirements. Students who are not working in school settings will be assisted in locating practicum sites by the Downstate practicum consultant and will be responsible for scheduling practicum times with their field supervisors.

在两次实习期间, class meetings will be scheduled in a different format than most regular Downstate counseling courses. 实习 seminar activities require that classes be smaller in size and meet more frequently. While students can expect that classes early in the semester may meet in the standard one-day format, classes will eventually be split into smaller groups that will meet with the instructor at alternate times more frequently as the semester progresses. 研讨会活动包括审阅咨询会议的音频和录像带, 案例讨论, 跟踪每个学生的实习活动.

在第二年结束的时候, students should have completed approximately 300 contact hours of supervised school counseling 经验.

The faculty who instruct Downstate courses in Brooklyn 长岛则是纽约市地区经验丰富的学校辅导员, 学校心理学家, 学生人事管理人员. 他们是由在线赌博根据他们的专业资格挑选出来的, 经验, 以及具体指导的能力, 实用课程内容. Regular faculty from the Division of School Psychology will also instruct Downstate courses, 主要是每年夏天在学校安排的那些活动.


罗伯特K. Bitting博士,布法罗大学

对外项目副院长, 心理咨询副教授兼主任, 公共管理项目和学术事务副主任. 持牌心理健康顾问. 领导和组织顾问和培训师/促进者. 州下实地经验协调员. 课程:组织流程, 咨询专业, 团体咨询, 职业发展, 实习, 心理咨询专题, 咨询, 项目开发和资助, 多元文化咨询.

约翰D. Cerio博士,波士顿学院

对外项目主任兼学校心理学教授. 注册学校辅导员和学校心理学家,注册心理学家. 课程:心理咨询专业, 咨询原则, 高级心理咨询理论与技术“,, 家庭治疗技术, 游戏治疗技巧, 心理咨询评估, 心理健康咨询中的评估, 心理健康咨询基础, 精神病理学, 咨询, 多元文化咨询.


在线赌博 employs a number of part-time faculty members who are or were practicing school counselors, 学校心理学家, 社会工作者, pupil personnel administrators and veteran faculty from other graduate programs (courses taught are included).


注册社会工作者. 课程:多元文化咨询.

Joseph Celetano,硕士,长岛大学

注册心理健康咨询师,注册临床心理健康咨询师. 课程:心理咨询原理、家庭治疗导论.


注册学校辅导员. 实习顾问. 课程:心理咨询专题、实习一、实习二.

Ama Darkeh,皇后学院硕士

持证心理健康咨询师,持证学校咨询师, 认证学校建筑负责人, 认证学区领导. 课程:高级理论与技巧、实习一、实习二、心理咨询专题.


注册学校辅导员. 课程:心理咨询原理,职业发展

埃里克菲尔兹,心理学博士,圣. 约翰的大学

注册学校心理学家. 课程:心理咨询原理, 团体咨询, 家庭治疗, 人类发展, 学校辅导的问题.

Mehri Fryzel,中科院,霍夫斯特拉大学

注册特殊教育教师, 认证学校行政人员和主管, 认证学区管理员. 课程:除外.


持牌临床社工、持证学校行政人员及督导. 课程:团体心理咨询、高级理论、心理咨询专题、实习一、二.


注册学校辅导员, 国家认证咨询师, 认证学校行政人员和主管, 认证学区管理员. 课程:心理咨询原理, 先进理论与技术, 实习一、二, 咨询主题.

雷蒙德·霍尔兹,医学博士,圣. 劳伦斯大学

持证心理健康咨询师,持证学校咨询师. 课程:预防校园暴力.

珍妮特·约翰逊,MS, C.W. 大学后

注册学校辅导员. 课程:学校心理咨询问题


注册学校心理学家. 课程:卓越,人类发展


注册双语学校心理学家. 课程:卓越性、心理咨询评估.


持牌临床社工、持牌学校社工, 认证学校行政人员和主管, 认证学区管理员. 课程:高级理论与技巧、实习一、实习二、心理咨询专题.


学校心理学助理教授. 注册学校心理学家和教师. 课程:人的发展,专业咨询,咨询.


国家认证学校心理学家. 课程:研究与统计I,心理咨询专题,实习I和II.


持牌临床社工、持牌学校社工. 课程:家庭治疗导论,特殊人群咨询.

Anne McNeill, MS, Brooklyn College; MS South Carolina State University

注册学校辅导员,注册学校管理人员和主管. 课程:团体辅导、多元文化辅导.


注册临床社会工作者,注册药物滥用顾问,CPP. 课程:学校心理咨询问题

Jean Schlegel,霍夫斯特拉大学博士

注册学校心理学家. 课程:心理咨询评估.


注册学校心理学家. 课程:心理咨询原理, 团体咨询, 研究与统计I, 先进理论与技术, 实习一、二, 咨询主题.


心理咨询助理教授. 注册学校心理学家,持牌心理学家. 课程:心理咨询评估、心理咨询专业、多元文化心理咨询.


Students interested in the Master's in Education in 学校心理咨询 may also consider these related areas of graduate and professional study:
